Welcome to Disability Inclusivity in Medicine: Representations, Policies, Environment, and Technology.

This project explores the varied tracks through which disabled medical practitioners and topics of disability in medicine more broadly have emerged. The exhibit guides visitors to consider how these topics are increasingly being attended to and invested in from an increasing number of angles and range of stakeholders.

Recently Added Items

The letter sent to the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) by Medical Students with Disability and Chronic Illness (MSDCI) on December 3, 2021. Over 650 individuals signed onto the letter.

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Image description: A two-and-a-half page letter featuring a formal layout.
An copy of the text may be found on MSDCI's public google drive:…

#DocsWithDisabilities Recruitment Notice

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Image Description: an online recruitment "poster" in the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) colors--yellow and navy blue. The top line enjoins readers…

@DocsWith Tweet

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A Tweet from the Docs With Disabilities Twitter account (@DocsWith) that reads: Remember That Hashtags Are Significantly More Accessible for Those Who…

Informational Videos Advocating For Doctors with Disabilities

Along with other advocacy materials such as books and podcasts, a few informative videos especially after the pandemic have been created to advocate…

#DocWithDisabilities Podcast


Docs with Disabilities, along creating a network to increase the visibility of disabled doctors and building a community of disabled doctors where…